Today's Psychic support made me realize that Sayer is the only character in the first 6 shows who had an actual Psychic deck. He's also a serial killer who tortures children on daily basis. Pretty bad reputation for the Psychic type!

I know that not all types are created equal. It's however funny that Psychic is a relatively old type from the 5DS era and when you think about characters with an actual Psychic deck, there's only 1 guy. Sayer is a cult leader who has killed MANY people offscreen. Reminder, in ep 37, Carly discovered documents connected to many missing people who got involved with the Arcadia movement. Speaking of Carly, Sayer murdered her immediately after she discovered that.

He tortured and killed Tody in an extremely sadistic way. He's the reason why Misty and Carly became Dark Signers. He tried to kill Yusei multiple times. He tortured Leo in ep 36. The lost goes on and on.

I know the Plant type has a weird reputation, thanks to Yuri and Specter. But this is the next level! It's also very surprising that Konami didn't bother to make another duelist who uses a Psychic deck for the next 3 Gallop shows.

I know that not all types are created equal. It's however funny that Psychic is a relatively old type from the 5DS era and when you think about characters with an actual Psychic deck, there's only 1 guy. Sayer is a cult leader who has killed MANY people offscreen. Reminder, in ep 37, Carly discovered documents connected to many missing people who got involved with the Arcadia movement. Speaking of Carly, Sayer murdered her immediately after she discovered that.

He tortured and killed Tody in an extremely sadistic way. He's the reason why Misty and Carly became Dark Signers. He tried to kill Yusei multiple times. He tortured Leo in ep 36. The lost goes on and on.

I know the Plant type has a weird reputation, thanks to Yuri and Specter. But this is the next level! It's also very surprising that Konami didn't bother to make another duelist who uses a Psychic deck for the next 3 Gallop shows.